万年筆 口コミ数ランキング

ジイテックス シュナイダー ベース 万年筆 ブラック BSBLKEF ペン先サイズ:EF(極細字) カートリッジ式 ジイテックス 4582313388601

ジイテックス シュナイダー ベース 万年筆 ブラック BSBLKEF ペン先サイズ:EF(極細字) カートリッジ式Schneider(シュナイダー)社の定番万年筆「Base(ベース)」万年筆においてはデザイン性を意識しつつも機能性に優れたアイテムを多数展開しており、子供から大人まで愛用している人がいるほど人気のブランドとなっています。

しっかりホールド感のクリップが印象的な人気シリーズ「 Base(ベース)」は、シュナイダーの自信作!ペン先の先端にはイリジウム(プラチナ系金属)が用いられ、強度と滑らかな書き心地を兼ね備えた1本です。

特別仕様のペン先、丈夫なクリップ、日本仕様にカスタマイズされた特別仕様の「ペン先EF(極細)・黒インク」はオリジナル品 !驚くほど軽く、丈夫な樹脂製ボディ。




キャップからペン先、本体に至るまで全てが 「Made in Germany」1938年創業のSchneider(シュナイダー)社は優れた品質と快適な書き心地を常に追求する、ドイツ屈指の筆記具ブランドです。




◆キャップ式・カートリッジ式・万年筆◆ペン先サイズ : EF・極細字◆素材:ABS樹脂/付属:専用箱収納 ・インクカートリッジ1個基本装填◆サイズ:全長約142(収納時)・約160(筆記時)mm・軸径:直径約12mm / 重さ:約18gBasic fountain pen "Base" (base) of the Schneider (Schneider) company I develop a lot of items superior in functionality while being conscious of design in the fountain pen, and it is a brand of popularity so that there is a person using it habitually from a child to an adult. Popular series "Base" (base) where the clip of the grip is impressive well is a confidence product of Schneider! Iridium (platinum-based metal) is used for the tip of the pen point and is strength and the smooth one which writes it, and had a feeling. "Pen point EF (extra-fine), the black ink" of special specifications customized in the pen point of specifications, a strong clip, Japanese specifications in particular is an original article! The plastic body which is surprisingly light, and is durable. The grip which it is easy to grasp is held well by a breast pocket and a notebook. It is usually a comfort across 50 pieces of paper! I am superior in abundant color variations design, and the color variations are abundant, too. Regardless of man and woman, it is the nice point to be usable in anyone. It is the quality that the Schneider (Schneider) company founded in "Made in Germany" 1938 was superior in all and a comfortable Germany which writes it, and always pursues feelings's leading writing implements brand from a cap to a pen point, the body. The products are produced in rich nature among the forest in southwestern Germany. I win many designs Award and am got close widely in home or a school including an office. In addition, it puts an important point in "the everyday importance" that is not pursuit of the high-quality intention and inexpensiveness, and it is attractive one that is more reasonable than other German brands. ◆Cap-type cartridge type, fountain pen ◆Pen point size: EF, extra-fine character ◆Material: Attached to ABS resin /: Exclusive box storing, one ink cartridge basic loading ◆Size: Full length approximately 142 (at the time of storing), approximately 160 (at the time of writing) mm, axle diameter: Approximately 12mm in diameter / weight: Approximately 18 gHow to order in shopping cart

ジイテックス シュナイダー ベース 万年筆 ブラック BSBLKEF ペン先サイズ:EF(極細字) カートリッジ式 ジイテックス 4582313388601

価格:2,112 円 ショップ:オフィスジャパン

更新:2024/01/17 万年筆


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万年筆 口コミ数ランキング
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